uganda martyrs university Migori County Uganda Martyrs University: Courses Offered at Nkozi University Uganda Diploma in Biological Sciences
Courses Offered at Nkozi University Uganda Diploma in Biological Sciences
Courses Offered at Nkozi University Uganda Diploma in Biological Sciences

Courses Offered at Nkozi University Uganda Diploma in Biological Sciences

Year 1 Semester I Code Course Name LH PH CH CU NUDBS21101 Origin and Diversity of Organisms 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21102 Computer Applications 30 10 45 03 NUDBS21103 Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21104 Chemical and Cellular nature of life 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21105 Elementary Genetics 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21106 Photosynthesis and Respiration 30 20 45 03 The course units above have 5 Tutorial Hours except Computer Application which has 10 Tutorial Hours Semester II Code Course Name LH PH CH CU NUDBS21201 Introductory Microbiology* 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21202 Nutrition in Plants and Animals** 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21203 Basic Entomology and Parasitology** 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21204 Gaseous Exchange in Plants and Animals* 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21205 Transport and Regulation of Body Fluids in Plants and Animals** 30 20 45 03 NUDBS21206 Biostatistics* 25 20 45 03 NUDBS21207 Preparation and Preservation of Biological Specimen* 15 20 45 03 * These course units have 10 Tutorial Hours each ** These course units have 5 Tutorial Hours Year 2 Semester I Code Course Name LH PH CH CU NUDBS22101 Ecology of Populations and Communities* 30 10 45 03 NUDBS22102 Comparative Physiology, Immunology and Pathology* 30 10 45 03 NUDBS22103 Ecosystems and Biogeography** 20 10 30 02 NUDBS32104 Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerability, Coping and Mitigation ** 30 10 45 03 NUDBS22105 Animal Behaviour 20 10 45 03 NUDBS22106 Limnology, Fisheries Science and Aquaculture** 30 20 45 03 NUDBS22107 Applied Microbiology ** 20 10 45 03 * These course units have 10 Tutorial Hours each ** These course units have 5 Tutorial Hours Semester I Code Course Name LH PH CH CU NUDBS22201 Environmental Health and Sanitation 20 10 45 03 NUDBS22202 Environmental Protection and Impact Assessment 20 10 30 02 NUDBS22203 Horticulture 20 10 30 02 NUDBS22204 Applied Parasitology 30 30 45 03 NUDBS22205 Ethnobotany and Phytochemistry 30 20 45 03 NUDBS22206 Research Methods and Communication Skills 30 30 45 03 These course units above have 5 Tutorial Hours each
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Courses Offered at Nkozi University Uganda Diploma in Biological Sciences Courses Offered at Nkozi University Uganda Diploma in Biological Sciences