uganda martyrs university Migori County Uganda Martyrs University: Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment
Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment
Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment

Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment

Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment Weeks due to a medical condition (as may be testified by an approved Medical Practitioner/University Nurse) or other reasons that shall be considered by the Faculty Board and the Senate in their absolute discretion as genuine, may be allowed to take a special examination in each of the courses involved before being promoted to the next year of study and for a student in the third year, before being awarded a degree. In such cases, the actual mark gained will be put on the transcript. 2. Students who have failed to pay outstanding fees by Reading Week will not be allowed to take their Final Assessments at that time. Such students are advised to apply for Special examinations which will be given after paying the outstanding fees. 3. Special examinations are held in August prior to the start of the next Academic Year. 4. Students who are sick during the final assessment period are advised that if they sit a final assessment and fail the course, they will normally be required to take a supplementary examination. However, besides each course passed through this channel, the letter (S) will be put to signify the fact that the course was passed after a supplementary. 5. All students with valid medical or social reasons during time of continuous assessments are required to submit documentation to the Dean’s office in support of their case. Valid social reasons must be attested to by the Dean of Students, i.e. students must report to the Dean of Students before leaving campus. This in turn must be reported to the Faculty Dean. Students who do not inform university authorities in advance normally cannot do so after the said absence. 19 6. Students who for valid medical or social reasons miss a continuous assessment will be allowed to do a different assessment to make up for that missed. However, if a student does not have a valid medical or social reason for missing such assessments they shall receive zero on said assessments.
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Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment Uganda Martyrs University SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS/ASSESSMENTS 1. A student, who is unable to do any final assessment during Assessment